Where to Shoot: Pro Shops and Retailers

If you don’t have a backyard archery range or a nearby public place to shoot, head to your nearest archery pro shop and you’ll find much more than a target to stop your arrows. In addition to being a great place to shoot your bow, archery shops usually have ateam of fanatics eager to offer tips to help you get the most from your experience.

Technical Tips

Practicing at a range will give you instant access to help when you have a question. Photo Credit: ATA

You’ll find no better resource than archers who combine their passion for this sport with their livelihood. Archery pros offer unmatched knowledge that helps you tune your bow and choose products wisely. Most pro shops have an indoor range, so staff members can offer simple suggestions to improve your form, grip, follow-through and accuracy. Even if you usually shoot in your backyard or at a public range, youcan benefit by occasionally shooting at a pro shop to brush up on archery’s fundamentals.

Product Testing

Pro shops have large selections of bows, rests, sights, arrows and stabilizers, which makes them great places to visit when you need new gear. Shops will let you test display models before you buy, which helps you buy with confidence. You’ll know you’re making the right decision for each part of your setup.


You can make sure your bow is in top shape by using professional equipment to tune your bow. Photo Credit: ATA

Tuning your bow can be tricky, especially if you don’t have the proper gear for the job. Pro shops have every tool needed, whether you’re paper-tuning arrows for perfect flight, timing a new drop-away arrow rest, or setting up a bow right out of the box.

League Opportunities

Besides stocking the latest and greatest gear, pro shops usually offer shooting leagues, too. Leagues are a great way to make friends and network in the archery community while shooting in a fun, casual and friendly environment. Whether you’re in a competitive league or simply looking for excuses to shoot targets, leagues are fun for all archers, no matter their skills.

If you’ve never visited an archery shop, make it a priority to check one out this summer. You’ll find a new place to shoot, you’ll make new friends, and you’ll learn more about archery from the area’s most talented and knowledgeable archers.



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Learn the basics here, from the different styles of archery to how to choose the bow that’s right for you.


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