How the ATA Works with Archery Programs to Advance the Sport

The ATA is always working on your behalf to grow the sport of archery. We work with other archery-focused organizations to advocate for the sport and to generate interest that will hopefully turn into a lifelong passion in potential archers. Below are organizations that partner with the ATA to achieve that goal. Learn how these great organizations help grow the archery community.

Archers USA

Archers USA uses the Individual Shooting Code and ISC custom equipment to transition archers who have been shooting without aid to using sights, release aids and other advanced gear. “The partnership with Archers USA helps the ATA connect its state wildlife-agency partners with Archers USA staff, who can help educators merge the ISC system and equipment into their archery programs,” the ATA website states. Then, as the students become more advanced, they can try different archery disciplines and next-step programs like the ATA’s Explore Bowhunting and Explore Bowfishing programs.

Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

The ATA connects its members with agencies to implement the Archery Academy, Explore Bowhunting and Explore Bowfishing programs nationwide. The ATA frequently supports, participates in and presents at various fish and wildlife agency meetings, such as the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies spring directors’ meeting, the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies summer meeting and the annual Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies September meeting.

“Agencies receive funding through license sales, and revenues from federal excise taxes on firearms, ammunition, bows, arrows, broadheads and specific archery accessories,” the ATA website explains. “Agencies use those funds to promote and manage wildlife, hunting access, educational programs and shooting ranges.” The programs mentioned above are ways that the ATA helps your local archery range support you, and they offer more ways for you to pursue your passion. Participating in one of these programs at your local archery range will help you take that next step in your archery journey and will help give you the tools you need to succeed at the sport.

Easton Sports Development Foundation

Easton Foundations promotes archery as a mainstream sport at the state, regional and national levels. It supports grassroots efforts, and college and university programs that inspire the next generation of Olympic hopefuls. The ATA and ESDF regularly collaborate to grow archery nationwide to maximize both organizations’ investments in archery sports.

Izaak Walton League of America

“The IWLA promotes conservation, clean air/water programs, and outdoor recreation locally and nationally through Explore Bowhunting and archery-education programs,” the ATA website states. It also encourages members and chapters to become mentors and to partner with state wildlife agencies, The Salvation Army Outdoors and other community-based programs to offer mentored hunts and archery and bowhunting events.The ATA collaborates with the IWLA to expand its archery capabilities and to create a diverse mentor base nationwide.

National Field Archery Association

NFAA is the world’s largest field archery organization. It promotes recurve, barebow, traditional, freestyle, freestyle limited, competitive bowhunter and bowhunter freestyle divisions. The ATA and NFAA collaborate to grow bowhunting, bowfishing and tournament archery. NFAA helps archers diversify their interests by hosting fun shoots and competitions.

Outdoor Youth Exploration Academy, Indianapolis

OYEA is a foundation that provides Indianapolis’ inner-city youths a safe, educational environment to develop life and leadership skills through outdoor activities like archery and bowhunting while learning about land and water conservation,” the ATA website states. “The ATA and its hotel partners in Indianapolis collaborate with OYEA to help fund its Capital Campaign for a larger facility; and provide kids one-on-one experiences with caring adults who help them become lifelong archers and environmental stewards.” This wonderful program cultivates a love for archery and the outdoors and provides an avenue to participate and learn more.

The Salvation Army Outdoors

“Archery provides a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages, sizes, athletic abilities, and physical capabilities to build developmental assets,” the Salvation Army Outdoors website states. “It helps to create a framework for growth in areas such as support, empowerment, boundaries and expectations, and constructive use of time.”

The website goes on to further describe the impact of the organization. “The sense of community developed through participation in an archery club can be an effective means for attracting new members for other corps programs,” the website states. “Corps have used community based archery to expand and enhance day camp programs, women’s ministries (focus group), after-school and youth programs. The spiritual component based on the National Archery in the Schools Program model that works alongside community based archery makes this an ideal means of evangelism.”

Scholastic 3-D Archery Association

S3DA is a great way for youth archers to get into the world of tournament competition. The organization has a symbiotic relationship with archery and bowhunting. Young bowhunters can learn about competition, and young archers can learn about bowhunting. The ATA supports S3DA through grants for staff and bowhunting and bowfishing educational and technological tools. S3DA also provides numerous opportunities for scholarships.

USA Archery

The ATA partners with USA Archery to provide Explore Archery programs all throughout the United States. These programs help introduce people to archery in a collaborative group environment where everyone is there to achieve the same goal: to learn about and explore the sport of archery. These events are held at archery ranges or parks and are a great introduction to the sport.

The ATA also partners with USA Archery to provide instructor certification courses at the annual ATA Trade Show. These courses allow employees of archery ranges across the country to get certified to better teach the next generation of archers.

World Archery

World Archery is the international federation for archery in the Olympics and Paralympics. They host international tournaments for competitive archers and developmental programs for aspiring archers. The ATA works with World Archery to create new markets and grow archery on a global scale. The Hyundai Archery World Cup Final and the World Archery Championships were just held in the USA, the first time the two events were held together at the same location. It was also the first time the Hyundai Archery World Cup Final was hosted in the United States. We hope that having a competition of that magnitude on United States soil kick-starts a passion for you to pursue archery yourself and potentially make it to that international level one day.

The list above is just a snapshot of the organizations the ATA partners with. The Outreach and Education team works all year to better the sport on behalf of curious and passionate archers like you. The ATA partners with a group of wonderful archery programs and organizations that seek to grow the sport of archery and inspire the next generation of archers. Each organization’s mission advances that idea in some way. We hope you check out these awesome organizations and see how they can help you find a new passion. Visit the store locator to find an archery range near you and discover what programs they offer.



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